device for
the treatment
of body

Professional equipment body treatments

The preset program Slim UP® Body Designer are specifically designed for the needs of the various areas of the body and these are divided into:
Addomen or gluteus muscles
Upper leg
Lower leg region

 Preset programs:

SLIM program Program for the treatment of localized fat. The treatment protocol provides for a first phase of treatment focused on the metabolic reduction of the deep adipose tissue, and a second phase of derma massage combined with the thermal diathermy to favour a toning and shaping effect on the skin surface.

TONE program Program for the treatment of the skin flabbiness problems. The protocol provides for different phases of derma stimulation made with different technologies. The vacuum massage for the derma reshaping is first accompanied by heat phases able to stimulate the collagen production and, as a second step, by cell stimulations made in athermal mode with athermal radiofrequency able to directly interact with the tissues. The last phase provides for the stimulation of the skin receptors through mechanical vibrations induced by the air rhythmical pressure, able to accelerate the skin firming processes too.

FIBRO program Program for the treatment of fibrotic cellulite. The protocol provides for a first phase in which it is used the synergy of vacuum with thermal radiofrequency to obtain an unpacking effect of the collagenous fibres of fibrosis. The second phase provides for a further solicitation of the fibrotic structures through the µShock Wave, able to grant a further reducing effect of the subcutaneous asperities.The last stage provides for some phases of pressure stimulation with air to accelerate the microcirculation and the lymphatic drainage of the released metabolites.

DRAIN program Program for the treatment of the lymphatic stasis and oedematous cellulite. The protocol provides for a first phase of stimulation of the surface circulation by means of thermal RF, the second stage provides for some phases of pressure stimulation able to activate the draining processes and then, the last phase where the synergy of vacuum with athermal RF stimulation completes the draining protocol of the lymphatic stagnations.