Beauty Total Solution
The Hi-tech device
for treatment
of face, décolleté
and body!

Beauty Total Solution
The Hi-tech device
for treatment
of face, décolleté
and body!

The Hi-tech device
for treatment
of face, décolleté
and body!
Hi-tech equipment based on latest generation technologies to treat the imperfections of: face, décolleté and body.
Equipped with three face and body handpieces that can act in synergy by delivering different active energies and an electromyostimulation section for the body. According to the area to be treated, modalities, duration, intensity and type of intervention are selected, to work in a targeted way and obtain a synergistic increase in the effects.

Face and décolleté treatments
Hyperthermic radiofrequency - Bipolar resistant
The technique allows an immediate "lifting" effect of the skin thanks to the reorganization of the connective fibers; this rapid effect will be followed by a more lasting one of neofibrillogenesis, with permanent production of new connective tissue. This allows a remodeling of the shapes, a recovery of the skin tone, the reduction of sagging folds, an overall rehydration.
Pulsed radiofrequency - Bipolar resistive
The radiofrequency emission occurs in a pulsed way, allowing you to work even superficially and in delicate areas or in sensitive parts.
Matrix RF - Resistive hyperthermic radiofrequency with emission points matrix
The particular "column" emission of energy is exploited to work especially at the epidermal level, concentrating the action on superficial imperfections. Micro-roughness, pigment spots, skin impurities, dilated pores, post-acne scars benefit from the treatment.

It helps the absorption of antioxidant, lightening, anti-acne, anti-aging, moisturizing substances, synergizing the action of the various types of radiofrequency chosen.

Face and décolleté treatment programs
Using the available technologies, 8 specific programs have been developed for the treatment of the main imperfections of the face and décolleté. Treatments with BTS are in fact suitable in the forms of photoaging, aged skin due to excessive exposure to the sun or due to other external agents, such as smoking; when the skin is thick, inelastic, sometimes blotchy, with oblique wrinkles.

- A particular transmission of energy to a matrix of emission points allows the creation of powerful, but not aggressive treatment columns; it can be used in all forms of micro-roughness, formation of wrinkles, epidermis that begins to lose its bond with the subcutaneous and in the smoothing treatment in case of post-acne irregularities or small scars.
- Electropulsation with purifying or lightening substances, combined with radiofrequency with a matrix of emission points, allows you to work on impure skin, on dilated pores, on scar-type acne outcomes, or on pigment spots, both solar and hormonal.
- The two types of radiofrequency allow work both on the skin surface and in depth, acting on the loss of tone of the cheeks and neck and on laxity. The new production of collagen opposes natural aging and is useful in all forms of chronoaging. The action is enhanced by electropulsation with firming substances.
- Deep radiofrequency promotes the activation of the production of connective fibers and amorphous substances. It is indicated in all situations of loss of skin tone, chronoaging or excessive weight loss.
- A specific program allows to work on thin skin, on the micro-roughness of delicate areas such as the external parts of the eye and lip contour.
- Suitable for combined use with cosmetic products to amplify the result.

01. 3D UP 36’: IperRF 14’ + MatrixRF 12’ + Electropulse 10’
02. 3D Pulsed 36’: PulsedRF 14’ + MatrixRF 12’ + Electropulse10’
03. Matrix 30’: MatrixRF 30’
04. Matrix Plus 30’: MatrixRF 18’ + Electropulse12’
05. RF Plus 36’: IperRF 10’ + PulsedRF 16’ + Electropulse10’
06. Iper RF 30’: IperRF 30’
07. Pulsed RF 30’: PulsedRF 16’ + Electropulse14’
08. Electropulse 30’: Electropulse 30’
Body treatments
Hyperthermic radiofrequency - Resistive hexapolar
The hexapolar handpiece allows to broaden and intensify the field of action for the areas of the body. The rise in dermal temperature is exploited in excess skin adiposity and in cellulite* with an increase in the adipose panniculus. The firming effects remain, thanks to the collagen and elastic neofibrillogenesis, for which application on sagging and hypotonic areas and on cellulite* with loss of tone is indicated. The improvement of microcirculation and the oxygenating, detoxifying and draining action have excellent indications in cellulite* with stasis, edema and water retention.
Pulsed radiofrequency - Resistive hexapolar
In this case, the hexapolar handpiece works more superficially and is preferred for the treatment of the so-called cellulite* in the early stages or in the presence of water retention and orange peel. Stretch marks with skin that has lost firmness are also an elective indication.

accessory trolley
Pulsed radiofrequency - Resistive hexapolar
In this case, the hexapolar handpiece works more superficially and is preferred for the treatment of the so-called cellulite* in the early stages or in the presence of water retention and orange peel. Stretch marks with skin that has lost firmness are also an elective indication.
Especially in the body, where the thickness of the skin and the depth of the fat make aesthetic interventions difficult, it is important to combine the effect of targeted active ingredients that synergize the action of other physical energies. Draining, firming, lipolytic, anti-cellulite* cosmetics, etc. are indicated.
It is equipped with 8 pair of electrodes with adjustable intensity, in such a way as to allow optimal coverage of the most important muscle groups or to localize, with the appropriate electrodes, the work on specific areas of the body. The resident programs carry out various programmable activities: aerobic work to slim down, anaerobic work to strengthen and firm up, stimulation of neovascularization to oxygenate, decontracting and relaxing effect. In their development, they provide a first preparatory phase of RF of heating and relaxation, followed by real electromyostimulation that mimics the correct physiology of aesthetic training: warm-up-work-cool-down. This section is an independent operator and can work independently for all situations of loss of muscle and skin tone, in firming, in the so-called cellulite* with hollows and sagging, in the hypertrophic modeling of well-defined areas but it is ideal in association with radiofrequency and electropulsation handpieces for its boost and synergistic effect.
*: cellulite imperfections
Body treatment programs
Taking advantage of the available technologies, 8 specific programs have been developed for the treatment of the main imperfections of the body. The treatments with BTS are in fact particularly suitable in case of even intense relaxation of the skin of the body and imperfections of cellulite* with a mattress-like appearance, hollows and flaccidity.

- To treat loss of tone in delicate areas (such as the inner thighs or the umbilical area), but also cellulite* with water retention.
- They are suitable for combined use with cosmetic products to amplify the result.
- For the maintenance of the ideal silhouette, in slimming treatments, in the treatment of the imperfections of recent or early stage cellulite*.
- To work on the loss of even intense skin tone, due to the so-called long-standing cellulite*, significant weight loss, excessive sedentary lifestyle; suitable for increasing muscle tone.
- Ideal in shaping the silhouette, in the loss of muscle and skin tone, in the so-called cellulite* with areas of localized or mixed adiposehypotonic fat.
- For the treatment of localized excess adiposity, the so-called cellulite* with widespread excess fat, the intense loss of muscle-skin tone.
- In addition, a program is ideal for an important and fast recovery of muscle tone, to model specific areas of the body.

01. Iper RF 50’: IperRF 35’ + Electropulse 15’
02. Pulsed RF 50’: PulsedRF 35’ + Electropulse 15’
03. Electropulse 40’: Electropulse 40’
04. Slim 60’: IperRF 15’ + EMS 45’
05. Tone 60’: IperRF 14’ + EMS 46’
06. Model 58’: IperRF 15’ + EMS 43’
07. Lipocell 57’: IperRF 15’ + EMS 42’
08. Mass 25’: EMS 25’
Technical specifications
- Input voltage: 100/260 V~
- Main frequency: 47/63 Hz
- Power consumption: 200 W
- Electrical safety Class I
- Applied accessories type BF
- Continuous operating device
- Dimensions: 48 x 38 x 40 cm
The company reserves the right to make any changes to improve the quality of the devices without prior notice.